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How much money did AXA shareholders receive?

AXA ordinary shareholders received 0.73 fully-paid ordinary shares in AMP and $2.5464 cash for each ordinary share they held on 16 March 2011. AXA also paid a final unfranked dividend of 9.25 cents per ordinary share. The market value of each AMP share received by AXA shareholders is $5.32. Are there any tax consequences for me?

What is the price history of AXA (AXA)?

AXA (AXA) has the following price history information. Looking back at AXA historical stock prices for the last five trading days, on March 19, 2010, AXA opened at $21.67, traded as high as $21.69 and as low as $21.23, and closed at $21.35. Trading volume was a total of 607.60K shares.

What are AXA shares?

AXA shares, ADS AXA orshares of listed Group subsidiaries, held directly or indirectly through Mutual funds or similar investment vehicles, are taken into account for the purposes of calculating this Minimum Shareholding Requirement.

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